Miserior Position Paper - Compact with Africa and German economic engagement in Africa

Misereor is calling for a turnaround in economic engagement on the African continent on the occasion of the extraordinary economic conference as part of the G20 Compact with Africa starting on November 20, 2023 in Berlin. The conference, to which numerous African heads of state and government have been invited, will be accompanied by a summit meeting of German private companies and investors at which new investment and export opportunities will be discussed.

The aim of the Compact with Africa initiative is to liberalize the economic framework conditions in selected African countries and in this way make cooperation easier for companies from the global North - for example from the infrastructure, mining, energy, technology and agricultural sectors. "Berlin's charm offensive towards the African continent is openly aimed at access to energy and metallic raw materials - sectors that traditionally create few jobs on the African continent and perpetuate colonial export structures.

"Poverty reduction and human rights and environmental risks are clearly neglected in the Compact with Africa," criticizes Carsten Bockemühl, Misereor expert for Africa policy. "Some autocratically run states are now being praised as transformation partners. Civil society actors are completely excluded from Compact summits and negotiations. None of this bodes well," says Bockemühl.

Miserior has drawn up a position paper on the Compact with Africa initiative based on partner voices: Position Paper

In addition, here is the press release from which this text was quoted and a blog article on the topic. Picture: Fungamwaka mine site near Numbi in South Kivu /DRC. The mine contains coltan, casseterite and tourmaline © Roland Brockmann


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A Gender Action Plan for the new Global Framework on Chemicals - Thursday 23.11.2023, 16:00 - 17:30